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H A R E   A N D   M O O N   S U I T C A S E   T H E A T R E 

Throughout lockdown Eye of Newt spent time developing puppet making skills following online workshops lead by puppet maker Judith Hope. One of the workshops we took part in showed us how to create a theatre inside a vintage suitcase.

In November we had the opportunity to use the skills from the course and made a Suitcase Theatre for Stellar Projects online event Nightfall. We made a production of the Hare and Moon that was filmed for online viewing. 

Along with working on the suitcase and show production the project saw me make a miniature girl puppet, Ayla, using techniques from Judith's workshops. The project was a great opportunity for us to adapt work during a pandemic and create a piece for a digital platform. 

The performance was filmed and photographed by Ian Hodgson    

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